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Julia Vakulenko - Broker -

Second homes and investment properties

agreement document

Steps for buying real estate in Florida

A person interested in purchasing any type of real estate in the United States should seriously consider hiring the help of a qualified and licensed Florida real estate broker specializing in real estate investment in the United States. This agent or agency will represent the best interests of the buyer.

Most lenders in the United States will extend mortgages to foreign customers interested in buying real estate (provided they are creditworthy).

Minimum down payments are approximately 25% to 40% of the loan amount.

Obtaining a loan commitment in advance is not necessary, but will put you in a better position to acquire real estate more efficiently in less time.

Once a property has been selected for purchase, a written offer is submitted. When the offer is accepted, it becomes a contract.

A closing date is established. Generally, a closing date is set at approximately 30 to 40 days from the signing of the contract.

The close-out date is the date by which all functions and obligations under the contract must be fulfilled.

This includes the seller's obligation to ensure that the title to the property is "clean" and all repairs have been completed.

It also includes the buyer's obligation to ensure that its financing is in order. Closing costs are approximately 2% to 3% of the purchase price.

During the process from contract to closing, several tasks, documents and commitments will be required from both buyers and sellers.

Buyers, for example, will need to arrange for a property inspection, obtain title insurance and obtain a homeowner's insurance policy.

All of these can be handled by our qualified Tampa4U agent and will be explained in detail when necessary.

In addition, Tampa4U Real Estate has a registered and recognized attorney in Florida who is always available for help and advice.

By using our services, we make the purchasing process as easy and worry-free for you as possible. We take care of all the "worry" part so you don't have to worry about it.